* IMPORTANT * Next Shipping date 2nd August 2024



The razor industry is still dominated by a business model of selling expensive disposable cartridges which results in the mass-production of billions of plastic cartridges every year. Manufacturing on this scale emits serious amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and contributes to climate change. These cartridges, along with all the new plastic handles and packaging, create an enormous carbon footprint.




The Double Edge (or "Safety Razor" as they are often called) uses simple steel blades which are eco-friendly and kind on your wallet. Two cutting edges are better than one because you change the blade less often and the handles, if made well, should last a lifetime. There’s also a big community of advocates who use double edge razors simply because they believe you can achieve a ‘superior shave’. 

Essentially, you're saving the planet, loads of cash and if the user blogs are right, you're also getting a better shave. It's a perfect solution!

Opening mechanism

A huge amount of prototyping and testing has gone into finding the optimum angle and position for the blade. This along with remodelling and refining the elements in contact with the skin, gives you the best shave you can get with a standard blade.

The CTRL@ Razor is not a normal double edge. Rather than using traditional manufacturing processes which can lead to discrepancies, we’ve pioneered new ways of producing the different elements of the razor. It's made up of 12 precision engineered parts which can all be reliably produced to an accuracy of less than 0.05mm. That’s more than twice as accurate as the best traditional safety razors, and although that doesn't sound very sexy it's this consistency of manufactured parts, combined with a mechanism which has no room for error, that makes the difference.

Traditional Double Edge razors have 3 parts which require lining-up and awkwardly screwing together. This is the cause of too many problems and inconsistencies. Our patent pending design permanently connects the head to the handle and eliminates alignment issues, making the blade changing process quicker and easier. The spring-loaded system locks the blade in position with a constant force so it can’t be over tightened (risking deformation) and it can’t come loose or change position while in use or between shaves.



Our patent pending design permanently connects the head to the handle and eliminates alignment issues, making the blade changing process quicker and easier. The spring-loaded system locks the blade in position with a constant force so it can’t be over tightened (risking deformation) and it can’t come loose or change position while in use or between shaves.





We've created a narrower front edge which is more accurate to position and control, perfect for the more contoured areas of your face and for styling facial hair. The grooved safety bar controls the height and flow of foam over the head and the enlarged outlet doesn’t clog, even with heavy growth.